When completing your exterior house painting services, proper surface preparation is crucial for achieving a long-lasting exterior paint job. A thorough cleaning with a pressure washer to remove dirt and mildew is the first step in preparing exterior house painting surfaces. All loose paint and defective caulking will be removed. Rough paint edges will be sanded down smooth.
Exterior siding will be inspected for dry rot and rotted boards will be replaced. All bare wood will be primed with a exterior oil-based primer. New exterior grade caulking will be applied. Any raised nail heads will be reset. Apply putty to any holes or imperfections on siding. Hardware and light fixtures will be removed or properly protected, and all plants and furniture will be moved or covered. Windows, concrete, and roof will be masked off to protect from overspray.
Then after preparation we will apply two coats of Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore exterior paint using the top of line painting equipment because it produces the best long-lasting results. The paint can be sprayed, brushed, or rolled depending on the type of siding and paint to be used. A thorough inspection around the building will be done multiple times before completion.
Every job site will be left clean and no paints chips or debris left behind. Our house painters know what it takes to create a custom exterior painting service that will beautify your home.